IF YOU OWN A WEBSITE and you allow others to post reviews, comments, pictures, or any content, you may be liable for contributory copyright infringement if you do not comply with the DMCA. Even a single claim of copyright infringement could cost you thousands in attorneys’ fees, not including damages.
The DMCA has changed. YOU MUST ELECTRONICALLY FILE YOUR DESIGNATED AGENT (THE PERSON WHO RECEIVES THE DMCA NOTICES REGARDING YOUR WEBSITE) BEFORE DECEMBER 31, 2017 OR YOU LOSE DMCA SAFE HARBOR PROTECTION. Even if you have filed an agent already, you must re-file using the new electronic filing system.
For existing and former clients, I will act as your designated agent (if you want me to) and/or will file your designated agent information electronically with the U.S. Copyright Office for a flat fee (including the filing costs) of $100.00 per URL/website. Please provide the following information: (1) the URL of your website; (2) the owner name of the website (your company name or individual name); (3) address (no P.O. Boxes); (4) telephone number; (5) email address, and remit $100.00 to me prior to December 27, 2017.
You must also post certain information on your Website to qualify for DMCA and this is a good time to evaluate your compliance with DMCA to maintain complete DMCA safe harbor protection.
Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Connie 602-277-8100.